Since 2012, we have helped hundreds of Australians build wealth, save tax and retire sooner with our Cashflow Property Investment Strategy.
Cashflow Property Experts is a boutique company that takes on about 30 clients per year to make sure you get the best service and don't feel like just a number.
We have helped more than 300 people build wealth, save tax and retire sooner with our Cashflow Property Investment Strategy.
Managing Director Heidi Titternes started Cashflow Property Experts 10 years ago when the market dipped and a lot of people got into financial trouble.
"I wanted to go out and help people that have a fear of retiring and were not educated about what their options are," Heidi says.
"I found that a lot of people needed that extra nurture and care when it comes to investing because investing in property can be a big financial decision and by following our process we can take most of the pain and hard work out of it."
Cashflow Property Experts makes sure property investment is a calculated decision designed to improve and enhance your life. This is why we have focused on only positive cashflow properties to make sure you have that cashflow from DAY ONE.

Heidi Titternes
I have 20 plus years experience in the property Industry starting in my early 20 s by working with finance and property investment companies, building my own portfolio while helping clients get into theirs.
I was implementing what I was learning and teaching others.
I have built a portfolio currently holding over 13 properties. I have also bought and sold many more properties to work on my debt reduction strategy.
I have now had many years experience working in finance, property, development and budgeting. I have also studied financial planning and accounting to get that holistic view over a strategy.
I have a great team that surrounds me to implement this strategy.
Book my free Investment Strategy Consultation valued at $395
Chris & Alison
Chris and Alison have been property investment consultants for over 18 years.
Together they bring open, transparent discussion providing each client the understanding and information each client required to be able to make an informed decision for their investment to maximise cashflow impact.
Chris and Alison have 2 adult children and know the importance of not only building a portfolio for retirement, but also being able to live ‘in the now’.
The addition of their grand daughter has highlighted this even more to them and their family.
Not only to their immediate family but also to their ‘investment family’ as they update and review clients regularly Chris and Alison are only too happy chat over a latte, and assist clients see clearly options that are presented.
In their downtime you can find Chris and Alison at the beach, enjoying a glass of bubbles with friends, or Chris strumming one of his guitars.